Contact Us

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through the high volume of requests we have received.

See Something, Say Something! Report suspicious behavior either witnessed in person or on social media. Call 281-498-3542 or 911. Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Request Submission

General Questions and Comments can be used for messages that are not bullying reporting.

If you are submitting a Report Bullying Form, thank you for taking the time and having the courage to make a report. Alief ISD is committed to providing a safe environment for all students. Bullying is a serious offense, and reports will be taken seriously. Please read the definition of bullying before making a report.

Anonymous Submission

Please note that if you choose to submit a request anonymously and do not provide an email address or phone number, we will not be able to respond to your request.

To protect student information, we cannot provide account resets over this platform. Alief ISD students and families must directly call the school during normal business hours. Once they verify that you are the account holder, they can assist with account access requests for parent/student Home Access Center and Schoology as well as for student AliefHUB! Please visit to see the school contact information.

Describe the bullying. Please give as much information as you can, including any witnesses.

If you do not know the person's full name, include as much of the person's name as possible.

If you do not know the person's full name, include as much of the person's name as possible.

If you provide your contact information, we will get back to you as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through the high volume of requests we have received.

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    You are submitting anonymously. To include an email and subject Click Here to Provide Contact Information
    To submit anonymously without an email and subject Click Here for Anonymous Ticket